Celebrities Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Naya Rivera

Celebrities Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Naya Rivera

Big Sean spoke out for the first time since his ex-fiancée Naya Rivera’s death: “Rest In Peace Naya, God Bless your Soul! Thank you for blessing us all with your talent and presence. you are a hero! Not just because of how you saved your son, also because of the barriers you knocked down for so many people to make them feel confident in themselves and to stand tall and be proud when they couldn’t achieve that on their own. I appreciate and cherish everything that ever happened between us for making me wiser and a better person. I’m still grieving and in shock, I can’t believe this is real. I’m praying for you and your family and I know your watching over them and protecting them. Rest In Peace Naya ???”.

Amber Riley shared a touching tribute to Naya Rivera with a video of her singing a duet with her son Josey.
My favorite duet partner. I love you. I miss you. I don’t have words right now, just lots of feelings. Rest In Peace Angel, and know that your family will never have to worry about anything.

Jane Lynch, who appeared on “Glee” with Rivera, called her former co-star “a force of nature” on Twitter.
“Rest sweet, Naya. What a force you were. Love and peace to your family,” Lynch penned.

Tahj Mowry shared a touching tribute to ex-girlfriend Naya Rivera just days after the former Glee actress went missing at Lake Piru: “My sweet Naya – to say that I am devastated would be an understatement. This is a nightmare. Everyday gets harder. However, I am holding onto hope that you will be found. ⁣ ⁣ We grew up together. We became adults together. We experienced so many firsts together. You were my first experience with everything; love, intimacy, heartbreak. We broke each others hearts and then mended them back together…more than once. I will never not think of you. No woman has ever measured up what you gave me or how you made me feel. I’ve never liked to admit it but I have never stopped loving you. A part of me always wished for the day where God would bring us back together to be what we dreamt we could have been. ⁣ ⁣ I pray deeply for the Rivera family and that God blankets them with strength, peace, and love right now. Mychal and Nickayla – you will always be like younger siblings to me and I love you dearly. I watched you two grow up into beautiful adults. George and Yolanda – whatever you need I am here for you. We are forever family and I love you. ⁣ I ask everyone reading this to please lift up, along with the entire Rivera family, Ryan and Josey in prayer and to respect what they are going through during this time. I pray that God showers the entire family with strength and peace that only He can give. ⁣ ⁣ I still have faith. I still have hope. Let’s please all pray that she is found and brought home safely. ⁣ ⁣ Naya, I miss you deeply. I wish I got the chance to tell you that once more but I’m believing I will get that chance. I know deep down you’ve always known how I felt. I look forward to the day where I can see your beautiful face once more and tell you everything I’ve wanted to say that I didn’t get the chance to say. I love you forever. I always have and I always will. ⁣ ⁣ ♥️”

Janel Parrish of “Pretty Little Liars” also posted, “Rest In Peace and power, Naya.”

In addition to Parrish, Trinity the Tuck penned, “Sending much love and positive thoughts into the universe for Naya’s family!! RIP.”

“? Naya, you will be missed so much,” Josh Sussman wrote.

Heather Morris, who played Naya Rivera’s best friend and love interest on “Glee,” shared an emotional tribute to the late actress with photos of their kids : ” We started out as the closest friends and then like all new things, we went through a bit of a rocky phase. However, we stuck by each other’s side and created the most beautiful friendship built out of love and understanding. The last I had the chance to see you in person, I had left oranges outside our home for you to take. I wanted to say hi through the window but my phone didn’t ring when you called (which it never does, f*cking T-Mobile), so instead you and Josey left two succulents on our doorstep as a thank you. I planted those succulents and I look at them everyday and think of you. I still listen to your EP on repeat because from the moment I heard it, it struck me and I always wished the world knew more of your voice. You sent me over 5 dozen SnapChat videos when you and Josey woke up in the morning and I kick myself that I didn’t save one of them. You always shared recipes and I admired your love for food. We vowed to spend every Easter together, even though Covid stole this last one from us. You are and always will be the strongest and most resilient human being I know, and I vowed to carry that with me as I continue to live my life. You constantly taught me lessons about grief, about beauty and poise, about being strong, resilient and about not giving a fuck (but still somehow respectful ). Yet, the utmost important lesson I learned most of all from you was being a consistent and loving friend. You were the first to check in, the first to ask questions, the first to listen..you cherished our friendship and I never took that for granted.
We never took photos together because we mutually hated taking pictures…our relationship meant more than proof. I have countless pictures of our babies playing, because we shared that kind of pride and joy. So I’m showing the world a photo of our little goof balls for you, because I know that meant more than anything and they remind me of you and I. I speak to you everyday because I know you’re still with me and even though I’m feeling greedy that we don’t get more time together, I cherish every moment we had and hold it close to my heart”.

Cory Monteith’s mother paid tribute to his late castmate Naya Rivera in an Instagram post.

July 13 has been a dark day for the Glee family since Monteith’s death by accidental overdose seven years ago. With Monday’s discovery of Rivera’s body after her death by accidental drowning at age 33, it became doubly terrible for all those involved with the series. Monteith’s mother, Ann McGregor, called out the horrific timing of this event, while also honoring Rivera and memorializing how much Monteith loved and respected his costar: “For the last 7 years the 13th of July has shattered our hearts beyond repair. There aren’t enough words to describe the pain we are feeling, we are truly heartbroken at the loss of @nayarivera .

Naya, Cory loved you so so much. He cherished your friendship more than you will ever know. From the laughs you shared, to the strength you gave him when he needed it the most. Cory truly adored you. He was in awe of your incredible talent, the way you gave everything you had to each performance; the slap in the auditorium was one of his favourite stories to share. You once said Cory was like a member of your family; you will always be a part of ours. We’ll carry you in our hearts forever. We miss you. Friends reunited for eternity.

We send all our love and strength to your beautiful boy, your family, friends and fans ???”.